PSY's "Gentleman" vs. The Lost Patrol's
Driven: Nickelback wept - April 16, 2008
Samuel Smith
Rhetorical Question of the Day: In anticipation of the new song
release from K-Pop star PSY, we anticipated that:
a) he’d boldly break off to forge new and innovative artistic directions
b) he’d pimp that “Gangnam Style” formula like a four-dollar
whore at the Republican National Convention
I thought so.
For my part, I wondered how long it would take for the first “Gangnam
Style”/”Gentleman” mashup to hit YouTube. The answer
turns out to be “a few hours.” Behold: Gangnam
Style Gentleman
As of the moment, the hit count at YouTube is 101,355,837 views.
After three days.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved galloping around to “Gangnam Style”
like a barking gongbat as much as you did. But 100 million hits for a
follow-up so shamelessly derivative that it would make Nickelback blush?
The good news is that an advance copy of Driven, the new CD from The Lost
Patrol, just arrived in the mail. Oh my, it’s wonderful. Thanks
Mollie and Michael and Stephen. And thanks Ed, whom I suspect is the one
that shipped me the disc.
Sadly, there’s not a multi-brazilian-dollar video that
I can share with you, since TLP is, you know, a talented indie band instead
of a front for an international corporate dog/pony show. There will probably
be a video at some point (singer Mollie Israel seems to love directing),
but for now, all I can do is share the audio for "All
Tomorrow’s Promises.”
It won’t get 100 million hits, but hey, I’m a quality-not-quantity
You’re welcome.